· Labor of Love ·

· Labor of Love ·

Labor Day weekend 6 years ago Is when Eclectic Array started. And now as we celebrate our 6 year anniversary and Labor Day I realize it has truly been a LABOR OF LOVE.
· On our last team trip to San Miguel de Allende · 
When I started I certainly didn’t know what I was doing and definitely didn’t know where it was headed. I just had a desire to LOVE on others by sharing the work and talents of artisans and designers in Mexico for others to recognize and appreciate their craft and their stories.
I did pop up shops at my house and went to farmers markets and had plenty of moments with blood, sweat and tears involved. It was 9 months into this journey when the first couple members of my team were hired and our company was truly born as we opened our first shop right near the Marina in Cabo San Lucas, MX. We labored together - we worked hard and we laughed, we celebrated milestones and have seen each other grow personally and professionally. This team of people (Amairani, Susana and Steph) from our first Cabo store are still standing by my side today…along with 40 others!
· On our last team trip to San Miguel de Allende ·
Labor Day in the US is a day we celebrate all the hard work! In Mexico and in many parts of the world, people don’t have the same labor rights and privileges. That is why we work so hard to give sustainable opportunities with fair living wages to our artisans and our team. I want to see them grow and for their opportunities to be as big as they want to see them through. For their life to be filled with beauty and surrounded by a team of people at work that are filled with LOVE for what we accomplish together every day! I am so blessed to have work that I love and to be surrounded by others that also love what they do- our artisans and our team stand together this Labor Day to celebrate this Labor of Love we have created together at Eclectic Array.
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