New Year Resolutions 2021!

New Year Resolutions 2021!

This time each year I’m bursting with resolutions and cannot wait to get them onto paper to make it official.I am very excited that we are entering a new year, full of new possibilities, of a “fresh start”. How to make resolutions coming out of a year where we are incredibly restricted?  I’ve always known how making resolutions is something I feel very strongly about, and putting them out there for the world to see really does help hold me accountable.

I’ve given this a lot of thought and looked inward to set new resolutions that are more towards self-growth and improvement rather than goals that involve unrealistic outcomes (like traveling) right now. 


Here are my resolutions for 2021:

+ More family time – Have more quality time with all my loved ones and build beautiful memories: This is not only with family but with all the people that make my heart alive. We always have work to do and things that occupy our day, but finding time to nourish our relationships is basic for a healthy and happy life!
+ Mentor – Giving back to the community is really important to me and I’ve always been time-poor. Rather than just making monetary donations, I’d like to donate my time to young aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in building a project. In the field I am is always necessary and helpful so families have better opportunities in this world.
+ Find happiness daily – I often allow myself to get consumed and sucked into the abyss of my work. While it brings me tremendous happiness and fulfillment ( learning something new / achievements), I also want to be able to find happiness in everyday things.
+ Cook more staying practical - I have been testing new recipes and ways of eating healthier without loosing to much time. Stay active, focused in all projects and at the same time, nourish more my body.
+ Stay on track – This one is more business-related. Map out 2021. You put your heart and soul into projects and then something has to come along and stand in your way, so having a more clear idea for next year will make me and all the team have less unexpected details and more celebrations. The next one is also related.
+ Vision Board – Make a vision board that have not only business-related wishes
for 2021. I like to project and put my mind focused on the things that I want to accomplish. It is really motivating!
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