Cerritos Beach Dogs
Cerritos Beach Dogs, it's a dog shelter and coffee house located in Cerritos, Baja California Sur, 30 min away from Cabo San Lucas. This project was created by the initiative of Alejandro Guerra after seeing how many dogs were abandoned on the Baja streets without opportunities to have a good quality of life. Alex always dreamed about having a shelter and support in every way he could for this cause.

He started this labor by fostering pups in his hotel and getting travelers excited about adopting and supporting them. He met there many amazing guests, amongst them Eamon & Bec, a Youtuber couple (@eamonandbec) who rapidly got donations for the project and allowed the construction of Cerritos beach dogs to begin.
March 10th, 2023 was the opening of this joyful place with 10 dogs. Tofu and Tempeh were the first dog moms with their puppies to receive a home here.
March 10th, 2023 was the opening of this joyful place with 10 dogs. Tofu and Tempeh were the first dog moms with their puppies to receive a home here.

Today, Agus, Juan Pablo, and Mackie are the amazing team behind the basic care of the dogs, their health, their vaccines, the sterilization process and finally coordinating everything needed for them to find a forever home. They've fostered more than 30 dogs and coordinated their adoptions locally, in the United States, Canada and even Europe. Allowing these beautiful four-legged friends to have a completely different future.
Cerritos Beach Dogs is a non-profit vegan Coffee shop. 100% of sales are destined to support the needs of the shelter. A great place to engage with the Cerritos community, where people can enjoy tasty coffee and volunteer to take dogs for walks at the beach.

This summer, Eclectic Array’s team has been present in pop-ups selling handmade dog collars, leashes, hats, and beach essentials. 10% of the sales of the day are donated to the shelter.

Eclectic Array loves dogs, coffee and supporting good causes. Having the opportunity to support this amazing spot filled us with joy and gratitude. We encourage you on your next visit to La Baja to stop here and get a morning of great coffee and furry love. 🐶🤍