Day of the dead altar competition
Flora Farms brings back its popular Day of the Dead Altar Competition for its 6th edition, merging this extraordinary Mexican tradition with an amazing event to raise funds to benefit local non-profits. This event began in 2015 and we’ve been honored to be able to participate in multiple editions.

The altars are designed by local businesses working together to support a specific foundation. Inviting locals and tourists to an evening of celebration, while raising awareness of the grand labor of many non-profit organizations in Cabo. Attendees can vote for their favorite altar, while a panel of judges
selects the most traditional altar.

This year our altar is dedicated to Carlitos (1995 - 2003), the first child helped by Los Cabos Children's Foundation (LCCF). This extraordinary non-profit was born by Tom Walsh's genuine desire to help children with cancer who lived in Los Cabos and had no options in the whole state of Baja California Sur where they could receive treatment. Carlitos traveled to the US and was there for 9 months with his mother during treatment. Unfortunately, it was too late. His passing drives the mission work of LCCF to this day, so that no child goes undiagnosed and untreated. LCCF works so that every child has timely access to quality health services close to home and supports families to give
their children an opportunity to live.

We at Eclectic Array are humbled by the opportunity to support LCCF mission throughout the year, we invite you to go see our altar on Nov 2 from 6 – 8 PM and enjoy with us a lovely evening. Get more details here
The prize money and all of the entrée fees will go to the foundations, come and support us and Los Cabos Children's Foundation!