Day of the Dead - Altar Competition at Flora Farms
November 2nd, Day of the Dead, one of the most popular, World-Wide known Mexican celebrations nowadays, so much that even major Hollywood Studios have filmed animation movies on this subject …¿remember the famous Coco? Well in Coco, the best friend of the main character of the movie, is a Xoloitzcuintle, Xolo dog, or better known as the “Mexican hairless dog” that guides the souls through the underworld.

It was precisely a dog to whom we dedicated our altar this year in the 6th edition of the Altar Competition at Flora Farm, in which we had the honor to participate once again, as we had during the last 4 years.
Sparrow, as she was known while she was among the living, was an amazing, unique, special dog whose life story became intertwined with Eclectic Array´s founder and, hence, with all of us. Without Sparrow, Eclectic Array would have had a totally different story; she was there from the beginning, even before our doors were open, when Eclectic Array was still a dream, a plan, a goal for Faryn, our founder, Sparrow was there supporting and being the best friend and partner you could ever wish for, being a motivator and a motivation for her and becoming the four-legged, furry cofounder of our brand.

Sparrow was the embodiment of our company’s purpose, to make an impact on the world; she was always there for us, smiling and posing for the pictures at every important event and, in the end, while she was facing a relentless illness with determination and courage, she managed to give Faryn the wisest lesson ever, one that Faryn shared with us later on and which has been translated in this motto which we will follow forever : “show up as your best self every day”.

Here’s the story behind this in Faryn’s own words: “One day, when she was already very sick, Sparrow and I were walking on the beach and I was telling her, actually I was begging her, to fight so she could stay with us and I literally said to her: if you show up fully and do and be your best every day I promise you right now to do and be the same for you, for as long as you are here among us and for the rest of my life, whatever that would be. And she did her part, she was and did her best until the last day she was with us. That was my deal with her, it was our agreement and a promise I intend to keep forever and to share with everyone around me: my family, my business, my team, my friends, and here, at this event and all the ones we participate from now on, so Sparrow´s message and lesson is spread all over and survives beyond my life and of those around me, forever!”

What a bittersweet, powerful, amazing message…don’t you agree?
Each of the local businesses who participate in this event support a non-profit organization, to raise awareness among the attendees of the magnificent work these organizations are doing in the Cabo area. This year, we supported the Los Cabos Children’s Foundation, an organization that, since 2002, has been committed to ensure that every child has the chance to live their best life and, therefore, aligns perfectly with Sparrow’s teaching: always be and do your best. LCCH supports 33 ally programs with the same purpose, providing the children of Baja California Sur with the opportunity of a brighter future.
The event was a total success. With the attendance of the largest crowd seen in this event so far, great performers, beautiful well thought elaborated altars, a wonderful show and, of course, the delicious food that is Flora Farms signature.
We are grateful that we were able to witness this success and be part of it.
Thank you Flora Farms for this opportunity, thank you Sparrow for your life and the wonderful lesson you left us, thank you Los Cabos Children’s Foundation for the difference you’re making and a big thank you to all of you who attended and visited our altar and helped us help through your donations.