Enjoying Fall in Warm Weather?
Fall Looks Different Down Here in Mexico,
but We Still Find Ways to Celebrate this Season
but We Still Find Ways to Celebrate this Season
So I am from US, but have been living in Mexico for 9 years now- on the beach in a place that doesn't even know what the season "Fall" really is. Our "Fall" is filled with hurricanes and tropical storms, not leaves changing colors and pumpkin patches and going to the grocery store to buy every type of pumpkin flavored ingredient imaginable. It's still hot like summer and we don't have a chance to even change our wardrobe to sweaters or boots. And while we don't have the typical Fall that fellow friends and family love back home with football and falling leaves- we are always looking for ways to feel festive and remember what season we are in. Here are a few ways to feel "Fall" festive even from Cabo.
Go to a pumpkin patch in Todos Santos or Agricole in Pescadero to take pictures and buy local pumpkins, it's a lot better than buying a small expensive pumpkin from the grocery store.
2. Paint a pumpkin if you can find one locally. It's better than carving a pumpkin because in the heat it will be rotten in 24 hours, but it is still a fun activity so long as you don't have expectations of your jack-o-lantern lasting longer than 1 day. Take the time to learn about the holiday and the tradition
if you aren't familiar with it.

3. Go to Local Donut and decorate your own donuts with festive icing and candies or if you aren't creative on your own you can order some already decorated to be delivered right to your door.

4. Travel somewhere in Mexico to feel a different kind of fall and experience the festivities of Dia de Los Muertos somewhere authentic, like in Oaxaca, Michoacan or San Miguel de Allende- where the streets will be filled with parades and festivities.

Ultimately, remember that no matter where you are in the world, it is what you make of it- and while Fall here in Mexico does not have all things Pumpkin Spice and everything nice, it sure does have a lot of other things that I have grown to appreciate and love, even in the Fall.