Your support made this possible!
Supporting local means that you care about the community that you live in. At Eclectic Array our company, our team and our leaders support local with our time and resources and Small Business Saturday was no exception.

We decided this year to support @petloscabos, a local organization that does an incredible job with its free spay-neuter clinics and helping stray and abandoned dogs and cats in Los Cabos to find “Furever” homes.

Organizations for the pets in need in Baja are near and dear to my heart as Brooks, my 12 year old son, is always encouraging each of us to foster, adopt, volunteer for the spay and neuter clinics, walk the dogs at their ranch, and promote the dogs to others looking to adopt. He personally has fostered 31 dogs so far and has a goal to rescue 42 dogs. Recently we have even had a few of our team members at Eclectic Array adopt new pets.
This is a major challenge in our community and we know that together we can make a difference.

2 unsterilized dogs x 6 years = 67,000 dogs.
2 unsterilized cats x 9 years = 11,606,077 cats.
While these numbers are staggering, it is the reality. Many animals on the streets keep reproducing without opportunities to have a good quality of life. PET Los Cabos works to get as many animals sterilized as possible.

On Small Business Saturday for every purchase over $100 USD made we designated $10 usd to this cause, allowing us to raise 330 usd, and we committed to match those donations to reach $660 usd.
As consumers in this world, every day and every dollar, we make a choice in how we spend our money impacting causes big and small, near and far. When you shop, shop with purpose and know that your dollars are votes for the world you want to live in, one that matters and makes a difference.
Thank you for shopping with us on Small Business Saturday and not only contributing to our artisans and their communities and families, but also for this cause- @Petloscabos.
If you would like us to partner with you for causes you think we should be part of in our community, please let us know how we can take part in making Baja better for all ❤️.